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My PC is crazy or what!?


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I think tha_french is right, my pc does hate me...

> Failed to start above 125 FSB
- CPU broken, wich broke MOBO

> Failed to start PC at all
- While fixing CPU/MOBO, CPU fan broke

> Missed 512 MB DDR PC 2700
- shop forgot..., sended me the ddr by mail

> I changed boot disk from 120GB to my 40GB, next day disk was broke
- wanted to get OS back on 120GB disk, PM8 gave #1561 error. I installed xp on 2gb disk and found fix, fixed HD, partitioned disk, tried to get backup back. FAILED > installed xp on new partition and overwrited with ghost image. worked.

SO thats all for now, today i'm gonna send my HDD by secure mail and we will see what happends next...

> My dad always says: bad things happen in 3 parts, look above I see 4 parts (wich you can make 3 - CPU+MOBO+FAN - DRR missed - HDD broke) of problems. So if he is right (he was b4) this was the last thing for now.... LETS HOPE SO!!
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Yeah thats pretty crazy... If you need a program to save anything I found the perfect one. If you need it just tell me...
Specs of Program... ( GetDataBack For NTFS 2.17 )
--Scans whole drive - ( 80GB HDD takes about 1H )
--Will show you things on your HDD that have been deleted and/or still really there.
--It saved my important info when I mistakinly defraged the MFT sector. where then the HDD was not accessable or bootable.
--Make it posiable to view everything on the HDD. If need PM me.
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