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During a broke PC (My PC) I can not continue the build of the webpage. I will when my pc gets back!

> some things wich will be on the new web
Right now I know the colors (just like the forum)
There will be some forum>website intergrations. Like online members, and latests threads...
There won't be any Frames or IFrames (all pages will be refreshed during a new buttun click)
The site will be viewable with 800*600, 1024*768 and higer (best with 1024*768)
A flash menu
Online helpdesk
scrolling affiliate banners
Better download mode
Public FTP (real time uploads from the website onto the FTP with password) > who could help me to make some .htaccess files for password access and max upload size limit!?

And ideas are welcome, just post them here somewhere

PC-fre@k and D-eye
(Forum Admins)
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