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My proposed system


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[url="http://index.php?act=Profile&CODE=03&MID=6"]Tha_Rainman[/url], [url="http://index.php?act=Profile&CODE=03&MID=7"]harry_pothead[/url], [url="http://index.php?act=Profile&CODE=03&MID=2"]D-Eye[/url],
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ok well there are some things missing if im not mistaken

1. heatsink
2. psu (powersupply unit for all the n00bs)(buy a good one cause rainman and tha french already had to replace theirs once :p )
3. if you your not overclocking then 333mhz is enough there are a lot of reviews out there that suggest a 333mhz cpu with 333mhz ram outperform a 333mhz cpu + 400mhz ram
4. get at least one casefan in there
5. get at least 2 memroy sticks for nforce motherboards else there dual bus is wasted(you end up with 64bit instead of 128bit)

Ps i'm thinking of a system along these lines too :p
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I just put things that I have to work out which brand/speed/type I am getting.  I am not too worried about which heatsink/psu i get.

Otherwise, thanks for the comment.  So you don't think the pc3200 400mhz is worth it?  Just get 333mhz. Does anyone else know anything about this?
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Regarding tha_Ram, here's tha_breakdown  B)

Barton CPU's run at 333MHz FSB default with no overclocking. For optimum performance your memory should run at the same speed as the FSB.

So for your Barton - 333MHz corresponds to PC-2700 memory which is cheaper too.

Alternatively, if you intend overclocking, PC-3200 which is 400Mhz would be better. Peeps at FM do get their 2500+'s running at over 200Mhz FSB :p

About the number of sticks... to get the system running in Dual Channel DDR you need two identical memory sticks. If not it will simply run without DCDDR and in Single Channel DDR. So if you get 2x 256MB this will do the trick. <--This may be actually more worthwhile than getting 1x512 and 1 more later because you still have 2 more DIMMS left and you can add 2x512MB later even.

About tha_motherboards:
The Abit one is cheaper and is SoundStorm certified and has an optical output (for digital audio) and single LAN. The Asus one is slightly more expensive, has Soundstorm but not certified and has dual LAN. Maybe that will help you decide...

Oh btw, can I borrow GTA: Vice City on Monday? I want to start playing immediately after my exams are over!!!! :d
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Thanks CDee...Wow, I didn't know that there were 4 dims, I guess the inkling in the back of my mind that I should be studying  :rolleyes: caused me to not read that part of the specifications.  So, if I buy the 2*256 I will not waste them if I want to upgrade to 1gig (or 1.5 gigs :p ) in the future.

I know all that stuff about the 2 mobos, but I can't decide still.  No matter how many posts or articles I read, I can't seem to decide if the extra price outweighs the gains... :'(

I haven't finished the download yet of gta 22hrs left at the moment wtf I hate slow xdcc servers, and stupid SCV  wtf and everyone on irc wanting to get vice city  wtf .  It should be done by monday and you can borrow it.
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i wouldn't agree too much with cd B) (sorry agin :p )

There's not point in getting 2*256 just for the heck of getting an extra mark in 3dmark...
in the near future, 1Gb sticks will become much cheaper... you're motherboard can probably fit 3 or 4 gig of ram..
might not seem useful now, but then when i bought my com, 728mb of ram seemed was ridiculous, that's why i settled for 256..

but then, you'll need to expand as much as possible: 256*2 takes 2 slots leaves u only 2... not much to push the com to 3 gigs...

also check the price: 512 is cheaper than 2*256 i think..

i reckon in a year or so, 1gb sticks will be just as 512 sticks are now.. high-end, but not out of reach or price.
and besides, why do you care about an extra 3dmark :p

so yea.. here's my ram recommendation... as for the mob i'd go for the asus, not specific reason.. i just trust the quality of asus... the other 2 you mentioned might be just as good.. i don't know

have fun :rofl:
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[quote]just for the heck of getting an extra mark in 3dmark...[/quote]

Thanks for your recommendations dude. Except 1 thing, I did not mention ANYTHING to do with 3DMark. So please don't put words in my mouth -or in this case put words in my post. :angry:

...not a :*&%$#@: flame or anything :d
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I am thinking that I am going to get an LCD screen, as a crt is not too practical to take back to England with me.  What are your guys opinions on this?  My dad is not worried bout the price difference, I was simply talking about the specs and performance.
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asus a7n8x
abit NF7-S

i hate to spoil tha_rainman's ideas but all the mentioned norce boards have 3 memory slots (look at pics)

secondly if i'm not mistaken you don't need equal amounts of ram in both banks this was with rdram

you will also notice that one of the 64bit wide channels has 2 slots while the other has 1
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In that case I recommend Abit, cheaper (by a little), and has optical digital out (which I wish I had because you can connect it to the HT system's optical input for surround sound when watching rips :p). I don't think dual LAN is really very useful. Asus is still a good board but you can't get both I guess :d
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[quote]I am thinking that I am going to get an LCD screen, as a crt is not too practical to take back to England with me. What are your guys opinions on this? My dad is not worried bout the price difference, I was simply talking about the specs and performance. [/quote]

Well, LCD's appear a little washed out IMHO [at least on my old 15" one] compared to CRT's. I hear its a lot better if you get one with DVI connectivity.
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