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Post your best overclocks!


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Best GPU overclock is 113% on my Ti4400 from 275 to 310 Mhz stable

Best VRAM overclock is also 113% on the same, from 550 to 621 with some artifacts...

I could only do 110% core and 108% memory on my previous GeForce2 PRO.

How far have you peeps pushed it? [post percentages]

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I was just trying something out and changed the FSB of my AMD 2000+ from 133 to 140 (not so much)

and it was 1.667

and it ran @ 1.753

Thats only 105 % or so, but first I have to get my new CPU cooler (one with nitrogen in it or something like that)

and then I coold rase it without blasting my CPU or MOBO or DDR (witch is also gonna run on the 140 Mhz- or whatever I set the FSB at)

Somebody could tell me how to simply change the multilplier? (without messing with my cpu/mobo)

>> MSI KT3 Ultra 6380E

>> 768 Mb DDR PC-2700


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I'm not aware of any method to change the multiplier as simple as that. However you can do the following that Tha_French has done on his amdXP cpu. By closing the L1 bridges with glue and some conductive paint. If you want further info on that i advice you to speak with him. He knows all about it :p.

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yep ;)

but you can do it quite easily though.. i guess.. keep in mind it's risky business, you might fry your cpu

if you want to, i'll send over my extended essay, it has instructions on how to unlock your Athlon XP.

you need a motherboard that supports multiplier changes though, as well as voltage changes.. B)

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I know how to make my CPU able of multiplier changes, but I hoped there was an other option :d

(because I ain't gonna mess with my CPU)

Only overclocking...

Somebody knows hom much the DDR can have? (b4 fry)

And whats normal for overclocking a AMD XP 2000+ ? (normal max Ghz)

Off-topic: FS forums added

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Guest Tweak

Really All I have is a AMD XP 2400+ Runs at (2000Mhz) But when I changed the multis and the FSB it's runs at 166 FSB and is (2090Mhz) :p but with the added FSB it kicks a$$ :)

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Thats nice!

So do you run your memory in synch with the FSB at 166Mhz?  If the memory is DDR400 you could even up the FSB to 200MHz :p if your motherboard can handle it! Some peeps in my other forum run theirs at 200 everyday!

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Guest Tweak

Heya , I can't get it to 2900 because of the stepping. The highest it can go is like 2350Mhz and its more unstable the only reason Im able to put it to 16Mhz FSB is because I Change the multis from 15 to 12.5. And Im running a ATI 9700 Pro  :)

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Hmm.... well probably not that much but it certainly won't come cheap. And furthermore it may take upto 3-4 months more before the chipsets and motherboards come out for it. We'll see how long it takes for them to make boards for the Opetrons....

EDIT: so maybe a 2800+ will be a better idea. I want to upgrade to something that is at least approx 3x fast.

Edited by Tha_Rainman
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