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Tha Masta

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Seeing as Tha_french aka amara aka Salope has not claimed to be French on these forums, I hereby hold you in contempt of the article 2.0 in the  "Posting guidelines. Revised edition," stated below
[quote]2. You may only put someone in the hall of shame for something they did in the pc freakz forum. If rainman said that einstein was the greatest chemist of all time in school he does not go in the hall of shame. if he said it on the forum he does. (no offence CD, it was just a random name i chose )[/quote]
I therefore call for an end to this debauchery, and racism, (as he is not French, he is not Eurotrash and is exempt from the revision of  article 3.0 (May 2 2003, 07:33 PM))

I ask for a sentence of Marc being place in the hall of shame under a closed sticky thread, and for everyone to point and laugh at him. :d
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[quote name='THA_monkey' date='May 5 2003, 02:53 AM'] I ask for a sentence of Marc being place in the hall of shame under a closed sticky thread, and for everyone to point and laugh at him. :d [/quote]
I second monkey on taht suggestion, and i totally agree with him. Awaiting the sentence on Masta, i point and laugh at him in advance =8)
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Ok. This is a difficult situation but i think i know how to solve it. We will indeed point and laugh at tha masta.... if not for this stupid post, his stupid name should be enough....

On the other hand...... French has a name that implies that he is french..... so if marc gets shame so does amara..... fortunately rule three does not give anyone right to make fun of his canaidanness....

last but not least.... monkey..... that was the saddest post ever......
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[quote]This is a difficult situation but i think i know how to solve it[/quote]

I don't see any solution in your post  8<$  I guess it must be me...

Anyway, what would solve this in my opinion is if we point and laugh at everybody that posted in this thread. (Except me of course because I've featured the most in the hall of shame :d )

[color=purple][b]* PC-fre@k Points at laughs at EVERYBody above ^^  =8)  =8) ^^[/b][/color]
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Well me being French can also be debated as that part of the family came from belgium (family name liegious "from liege/luik")then lived in france for a while after which my greatgrandmother married my greatgrandfather who was full dutch and after which my grandfather was born in antwerp belgium.
It's kinda far back and i don't know whether they married any frenchman, so that claim is kinda on shaky grounds.
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