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Flight Simulator 2004 announced


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FS2004 'A Century of Flight' has been announced and is set for release this summer. But why oh WHY!!! are they still using the crappy dx7 engine  :GrrRR!:  Heck this is the age of dx9!! dx8 would have been the least they could do !
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rainman, y complain :p

you're not gonna play it anyways are you?

go back to your car racing games  :lol:

the reason they keep it it dx7 is to appeal to a wider audience that might not always own radeons (i wanna get one :p, maybe dis summer )
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[quote]CD...... just a thought..... why not post this in the flightsim forum? [/quote]

Because its FS200[b]4[/b]

EDIT: HOLD up! Sorry, I didn't see the 'other section' in there :p These things seem to come up overnight!

[quote]the reason they keep it it dx7 is to appeal to a wider audience that might not always own radeons (i wanna get one , maybe dis summer ) [/quote]

Supporting the more advanced features of dx8 won't reduce the appeal of the program to the wider audience. Sure, most people will have only dx7 hardware but that doesn't mean they can't play it with no problems?? Also, use of dx8 hardware does not necessarily mean more intense graphics and therefore slower performance. It means that the it can render more complex lighting (which would do wonders for a flight simulator) on systems that have the dx8 capability which doesn't affect dx7 systems in any way. They simply won't run those effects. Btw dx8 hardware is not a minority at the moment. All GeForces 3 and up as well as Radeons 8500 and up support dx8. So the only reason I think M$ didn't bother is because they are [i]"short of funds"[/i]. Edited by Tha_Rainman
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