HiP Posted August 7, 2004 Report Share Posted August 7, 2004 1 -- 40 of 1120 This is how to read the links. [url="ftp://Login:Password@FTP"]ftp://Login:Password@FTP[/url] Address:Port Number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New warez forum!!!! - ftp://=>www.downloadforum.be.tt<=:=>www.downloadforum.be.tt<=@=>www.downloadforum.be.tt<=:0 - VIEW VOTES NICE FORUM AND MANY LINKS TO (WORKING)FTP-SERVERS=>www.downloadforum.be.tt >>register for private acces to 100 Mbit ftp-server(1000 GB) SPEED= 100MBIT UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= NONE SUBMISSION DATE: August 7, 2004, 9:47 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ Porn Cache FileServer - [url="ftp://porn:porn@porncache.dyndns.org:21"]ftp://porn:porn@porncache.dyndns.org:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES > My Websites @@ [url="http://porncache.dyndns.org"]http://porncache.dyndns.org[/url] @@ Forum = [url="http://porncache.dyndns.org/ipb"]http://porncache.dyndns.org/ipb[/url] SPEED= ADSL UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/5 SUBMISSION DATE: August 6, 2004, 11:35 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trading Post - 100's of gigs - [url="ftp://crawler:lookonly@ttp.zapto.org:27000"]ftp://crawler:lookonly@ttp.zapto.org:27000[/url] - VIEW VOTES Apps - DVD Movies - MP3 Albums - PC & PSX Games ((( www.ttp.150m.com ))) SPEED= DSL UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= Trade SUBMISSION DATE: August 6, 2004, 9:23 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PORN server - [url="ftp://very:cool@"]ftp://very:cool@[/url] - VIEW VOTES LOTS OF PORN PICTURES SPEED= CABLE UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/2 SUBMISSION DATE: August 6, 2004, 6:22 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- megazero FTP - [url="ftp://leech:27746663552@www.zapto.org:30000"]ftp://leech:27746663552@www.zapto.org:30000[/url] - VIEW VOTES [apps + some other stuff] [Only 2 people at a time] Your max upload speed will be 400KB/sec, and 30KB/sec Download, please upload or fxp stuff SPEED= Your Speed 400KB UP | 30KB DL UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= Turned off SUBMISSION DATE: August 6, 2004, 6:05 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAMEZ, WAREZ, PORN, ALBUMZ - [url="ftp://leech:leech@goodstuff.myftp.org:21"]ftp://leech:leech@goodstuff.myftp.org:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES 200 of gigs of APPZ,GAME ISOs FULL DIVX MOVIES,ROMS n EMULATORS,Webcams, porn vids, pics, TV Episodes, mp3 albums SPEED= T1 UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= banner SUBMISSION DATE: August 6, 2004, 5:40 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- engineering_world - [url="ftp://view:view@enggworld.serveftp.net:21"]ftp://view:view@enggworld.serveftp.net:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES CAD, CAE, AEC, GIS, Structural, Architectural all Latest. View access with low speed. Trade access with T1 connection. Lamers and assholes not allowed SPEED= low UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= BANNER SUBMISSION DATE: August 6, 2004, 3:00 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pyrohead's paradise - [url="ftp://download:download@pyrohead.kicks-ass.org:21"]ftp://download:download@pyrohead.kicks-ass.org:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES Tons of music, and lots of other stuff!!! Upload interesting things... Porn much appreciated! SPEED= 8mbit UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/3 SUBMISSION DATE: August 6, 2004, 10:35 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E Training Server - [url="ftp://look:look@icewall.mine.nu:21"]ftp://look:look@icewall.mine.nu:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES alot of e-training tutorial SPEED= ADSL UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= none SUBMISSION DATE: August 6, 2004, 2:09 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DB2004 - [url="ftp://freddy:freddy@db2004.no-ip.com:21"]ftp://freddy:freddy@db2004.no-ip.com:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES All Taken and Recieved. Byte Size: Upload 1 Download 4. MP3's and WAREZ and Vidz. WANTED ST Enterprise Series Trades SPEED= DSL UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/4 SUBMISSION DATE: August 5, 2004, 2:20 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get rated and rate others at wouldyouscrew.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Dal's - [url="ftp://Big:Dal@"]ftp://Big:Dal@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Upload Full Albums 50s, 60s and 70s ONLY - For better Ratio or accounts email to:bigdal46@icqmail.com SPEED= cable UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/1 SUBMISSION DATE: August 5, 2004, 12:27 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [url="ftp://server:lrf@lrf.serveftp"]ftp://server:lrf@lrf.serveftp[/url]. - [url="ftp://server:lrf@lrf.serveftp.net:21"]ftp://server:lrf@lrf.serveftp.net:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES games, movies, apps, music, xbox games & XxX.. Contact me: fpc_blackhawk@hotmail.com ((Only send me a e-mail)) SPEED= 60 kbps UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/4 SUBMISSION DATE: August 5, 2004, 10:54 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool-Kingdom - [url="ftp://join:join@slow-train.no-ip.org:21"]ftp://join:join@slow-train.no-ip.org:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES URL has been added now opps too a great warez forum. and tons of cool stuff guys no pop ups no paying just post with us all and get great stuff SPEED= adsl UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= ?/? SUBMISSION DATE: August 5, 2004, 8:15 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- leech ware incl keygen orcrack - [url="ftp://ftp2:crawler@"]ftp://ftp2:crawler@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Free warez all kinds of stuff rarred with keygen! SPEED= ADSL+ UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= LEECH SUBMISSION DATE: August 4, 2004, 10:35 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scooter's Music - [url="ftp://ftpcrawler:music@scooterd.no-ip.info:21"]ftp://ftpcrawler:music@scooterd.no-ip.info:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES All Music Upload to the upload folder no wma's or ogg files please just mp3's SPEED= DSL UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/3 SUBMISSION DATE: August 4, 2004, 10:23 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sarkye's Servertje - [url="ftp://naam:pass@"]ftp://naam:pass@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Can Someone Finnish Uploading, Gothika by puUL, Kill.Bill.Volume.2. SPEED= 44 UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/4 SUBMISSION DATE: August 4, 2004, 5:26 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- free leech! download as much - [url="ftp://base2091:base3092@"]ftp://base2091:base3092@[/url] - VIEW VOTES [url="ftp://base2091:base3092@!WAREZ!/"]ftp://base2091:base3092@;WAREZ!/[/url] SPEED= FUCKING FA UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= LEECH SUBMISSION DATE: August 4, 2004, 4:17 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WildBillz FTP - [url="ftp://look:look@"]ftp://look:look@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Games/apps/music //// Looking for Serious Traders Only!!!! Do Not Use PASV Mode SPEED= Cable UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= Trade SUBMISSION DATE: August 4, 2004, 1:53 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [url="ftp://warez:leech@"]ftp://warez:leech@[/url] - [url="ftp://warez:leech@"]ftp://warez:leech@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Games moviez appz SPEED= T3 UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/2 SUBMISSION DATE: August 3, 2004, 11:02 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Indian Mp3's - [url="ftp://caber:tata1@"]ftp://caber:tata1@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Download all Indian and English Mp3 SPEED= 128Kb/ps UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/4 SUBMISSION DATE: August 3, 2004, 8:00 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get rated and rate others at wouldyouscrew.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free warez - [url="ftp://free:4all@"]ftp://free:4all@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Free warez all kinds of stuff rarred with keygen! SPEED= FASTENOUGH UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= LEECH SUBMISSION DATE: August 3, 2004, 7:07 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mp3 games movies - [url="ftp://public:download@servers.no-ip.info:5555"]ftp://public:download@servers.no-ip.info:5555[/url] - VIEW VOTES + 600 song's. + some games + some movies SPEED= limited, for more ask account UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/10 SUBMISSION DATE: August 3, 2004, 6:22 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no title given - [url="ftp://:123456@"]ftp://:123456@[/url] - VIEW VOTES no description given SPEED= ? UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= ?/? SUBMISSION DATE: August 3, 2004, 11:51 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.E.T.A.F.O.X. DKHQ - [url="ftp://metafox:metafox@"]ftp://metafox:metafox@[/url] - VIEW VOTES 300Gbz server with all the latest stuff around for your PC and N-Gage --- Gamez/Moviez/Mp3-albumz/Appz --- #1 must try!!! Website included... SPEED= ADSL - 3Mbit UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= TRADE ONLY SUBMISSION DATE: August 2, 2004, 11:58 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy! - [url="ftp://get:in@"]ftp://get:in@[/url] - VIEW VOTES movies, appz, music, porn, 200gigs of it. (server will be offline a bit during the next week...sorry,,..this msg will be erased when online 24/7 SPEED= 2mbit soon UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1./3 SUBMISSION DATE: August 1, 2004, 11:44 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@@@@@ D-ZoNe fTp sErVeR 2004 @@@@@@@ - [url="ftp://guest:account@d-zone2004.streznik.org:21"]ftp://guest:account@d-zone2004.streznik.org:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES ALL NEW MOVIES AND GAMES SPEED= 4 Mbit UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= READ RULES SUBMISSION DATE: August 1, 2004, 5:59 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remko's Hardwarehouse - [url="ftp://user:user@"]ftp://user:user@[/url] - VIEW VOTES FREE DOWNLOAD! upload stuff also please!! SPEED= adsl UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= ?/? SUBMISSION DATE: August 1, 2004, 5:31 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m0nk p0nk : - [url="ftp://test:abc@m0nk.serveftp.com:21"]ftp://test:abc@m0nk.serveftp.com:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES Anime OSTS, Anime, Moviez, Gamez SPEED= 40 kb/s UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/1 SUBMISSION DATE: August 1, 2004, 5:24 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rooner.com - [url="ftp://ftpuser:userftp@ftp.rooner.com:21"]ftp://ftpuser:userftp@ftp.rooner.com:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES plenty of apps, music and videos --- Read the user file first ---- No Passive Mode SPEED= 5.0Mbps UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/3 SUBMISSION DATE: August 1, 2004, 4:16 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New What Ya Need - [url="ftp://ftpcrawler:ftpcrawler@3cowed.dynip.com:21"]ftp://ftpcrawler:ftpcrawler@3cowed.dynip.com:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES APPZ And For Crying Out Loud Use A FTP CLIENT Not A Browser SPEED= 56k UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= free SUBMISSION DATE: August 1, 2004, 12:43 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get rated and rate others at wouldyouscrew.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TwoCows - [url="ftp://warez:warez@cowsup.no-ip.info:21"]ftp://warez:warez@cowsup.no-ip.info:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES Assorted Appz take what ya want have a lot of stuff offline leave requests in uploads SPEED= 56k UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= FREE SUBMISSION DATE: August 1, 2004, 12:43 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpHiNx'S PaLaCe!! - [url="ftp://look:only@"]ftp://look:only@[/url] - VIEW VOTES PORN!!! Many FULL XXX MOVIES + a lot of smaller videos....You've got problems to open data connection - Then *USE an FTP PASV Client, not IE*!!!! SPEED= cable UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= BANNER SUBMISSION DATE: August 1, 2004, 4:06 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICAD - [url="ftp://look:look@icad.serveftp.com:23760"]ftp://look:look@icad.serveftp.com:23760[/url] - VIEW VOTES Engineering CAD, CAM, CAE, Archtectural, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Medical, Optical, Metrology, Non-Engineering Apps and Utilities SPEED= Cable UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 1/1 SUBMISSION DATE: July 31, 2004, 8:03 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Underground - [url="ftp://markvm:hoeshoes@www.yahoo.com:21"]ftp://markvm:hoeshoes@www.yahoo.com:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES no description given SPEED= ? UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= ?/? SUBMISSION DATE: July 31, 2004, 7:15 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- movies - [url="ftp://wsftppro@thug.com:teste@www.aljazeera.com:21"]ftp://wsftppro@thug.com:teste@www.aljazeera.com:21[/url] - VIEW VOTES no description given SPEED= ? UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= ?/? SUBMISSION DATE: July 31, 2004, 6:53 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- free leech! - [url="ftp://warez:warez@"]ftp://warez:warez@[/url] - VIEW VOTES free warez, leech away! SPEED= FAST UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= LEECH SUBMISSION DATE: July 31, 2004, 6:04 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warez for leech - [url="ftp://warez:warez@"]ftp://warez:warez@[/url] - VIEW VOTES warez for leech SPEED= T1 UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= no ratio SUBMISSION DATE: July 30, 2004, 1:15 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fillers Needed - [url="ftp://ftpcrawler:free@"]ftp://ftpcrawler:free@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Fill me up with DVD rips and game ISO's. Share this server with friends! SPEED= Broadband UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= None SUBMISSION DATE: July 30, 2004, 3:11 am EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROJANS HOME !!! UPLOAD BACKDOORS HERE - [url="ftp://anonymous:anonymous@"]ftp://anonymous:anonymous@[/url] - VIEW VOTES Upload your BootViriis And Trojans, Backdoors, Remote Controls !!! Norton Antivirus and Firewall are DISABLED !!!!! SPEED= Fast Cable UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 0/0 SUBMISSION DATE: July 29, 2004, 9:29 pm EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.seresss.net - [url="ftp://cfigueroa:123456@"]ftp://cfigueroa:123456@[/url] - VIEW VOTES nuevo SPEED= 256 UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD= 10/10 SUBMISSION DATE: July 29, 2004, 4:41 am EST Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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