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  • 1 month later...
ja vooral dat kees n forse penis heeft :):
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ja mensen, ik heb uit zeer betrouwbare bron vernomen dat Kees van Bemmel, hier beter bekend als Keezy, echt een enorm forse penis heeft.
A. Schep was hiervan dusdanig onder de indruk dat ze de rest van de avond vol ongeloof Kees heeft staan observeren. Kees op zijn beurt zag A. wel zitten. Hoe de avond voor deze twee verder is verlopen is nog onduidelijk.

verder is er een poging gedaan mijn naam te transformeren naar Prop, maar ik weet niet of ik dat zelf een fijne transformatie vindt. We denken er nog over na.

ALI B, jaja deze beroepsmarokkaan heb ik in levende lijve kunnen aanschouwen. Tezamen met "ik ben gezegend met een mooie stem"-Brace en nog zo iemand (kwit niet meer :)) gave ze n dope show weg. De flow hadden ze goed te pakken zeg maar :). Ook Ty (zeg foen! FOEN!) (ong dan :)) brabbelde de sterren van de hemel. Helaas was Marocco Borsato niet van de partij.

Verder s mn gemiddelde uitslaaptijd van deze week 12 uur :) en de biertjes smaakten ook goed :)

en mn Reservebak doet nu in goede staat dienst al voetbankie :)

als afsluiter een gedicht:

hier op een stoel
met een lamp
naast een mand
zonder voet
elke weg
naast de maan
praat raar
of gaat slapen

dank U
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  • 1 month later...
Cheese is a solid food made from the curdled milk of various animals—most commonly cows but sometimes goats, sheep, reindeer, and water buffalo. There are hundreds of types of cheese. Rennet is often used to induce coagulation in the milk, although some cheeses are curdled with acids like vinegar or lemon juice or with extracts of various species of Cynara (sometimes called vegetable rennet). Rennet is an enzyme traditionally obtained from the stomach lining of bovine calves or a microbiological (laboratory-produced) substitute is used. Bacteria are added to cheese to reduce the pH, alter texture, and develop flavor, and some cheeses also have molds, either on the outer skin or throughout.

The natural colour of cheeses range from off-white to yellow. In some parts of the world, such as Wisconsin in the United States, the milk fat is low in beta-carotene, making the cheese a paler yellow than normal. In this case, it is common to add annatto plant dye as a coloring agent. Some cheeses are made with the addition of herbs and spices.

As a response to the loss of diversity in mass-produced cheeses, a cottage industry has grown up around home cheesemaking in some locations. In many European countries this has historically been the normal means of cheesemaking.

Different styles and flavors of cheese are the results of using different species of bacteria and molds, different levels of milk fat, variations in length of aging, differing processing treatments (cheddaring, pulling, brining, mold wash) and different breeds of cows, sheep, or other mammals. Other factors include milk, animal diet, and the addition of herbs and spices to some cheeses.

Some controversy exists regarding the safety of cheese made by the traditional methods of using unpasteurized milk and regarding how pasteurization affects flavor.
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A toasted sandwich is a sandwich that has been toasted. While this can be done to any sandwich simply by using a grill, the toasted sandwich maker is a small appliance dedicated to this task. An early manufacturer of these devices was Breville and some call all toasted sandwich makers by this name. As well as toasting the sandwich, the toasted sandwich maker commonly presses the edges together to form a seal, so the filling ends up in a cavity within the bread. While this makes it convenient to eat, it can also render the filling extremely hot.

Just as in an ordinary, untoasted sandwich, the choice of toasted sandwich fillings and combinations of fillings is limited only by the imagination of the chef. Perhaps the most commonly used filling is cheese, on its own or together with tomato or ham. Pickles, jam, and even such strange bedfellows as banana and Nutella are other examples.

In Australia, toasted sandwiches
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